Star Trek: The Space Opera

"Descent": Data is lured to the Dark Side by Lore, to the tune of "What Have I Done"
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Did I just feel
Oh Captain, did I just feel
I robbed that Borg of his life
It felt exciting to kill
Have I come all this way?
Is anger all that I'll know?
My quest to be human,
Is this how it must go?
The cries from my soul that nobody hears
Here where I stand while I'm fighting back the tears

I am so anxious to feel it again
I would even kill my closest friend
My soul exposed to the evil within
My brother Lore and I, together again
Now I've turned my back on all of you,
To my brother I will remain true

For I have put my faith in Lore
To teach me everything he knows
Unlock the secrets of my psyche
He says I need him
Together, we will win
My life was wasted for too long
Or so Lore states
A mindless puppet I have been
Now I should cultivate my hate
And my soul, if I may,
Has developed a blade
Tempered feelings and mistrust
Another villain Lore's made

Must I become a monster now
Who sought emotion all these years?
These evil actions do not suit me--
Conflicted feelings tear me apart
Lore has a hold upon my soul
But does he know
My moral imprint will return
My righteousness begins to grow

I am trying ... but I can't
And the time is closing near
My friend Geordi's nearing death
And my path has become clear
If I liberate my friends
All I've gained I'll surely lose.
I'll betray Lore, shut him down
Friends and duty I now choose

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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.