That Dome in Air: Pictures from England
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Pictures from England

Some photographs of my trip to England.

A shot of me standing in front of the Tate Gallery in London.
A shot of me leaning against the tower which stands atop the Tor in Glastonbury, England, which, if you don't know, is like Woodstock in England.

Me and some folks I fell in with on the bus from Bath hung around the hilltop for perhaps half an hour. It was wonderful. Some guy--who was playing his guitar when we got there--was still strumming and singing when we left, and hadn't stopped once while we were there. There were some hippies present as well, aura-bathing.
A lovely little spot I found at Land's End, on the western shore of Cornwall, England. One had to squeeze through an eroded strata layer in some immense boulder -- the opening was only 1.5 to 2 feet wide.
Another shot of the cliffs at Land's End.
Me at the artist's colony of St. Ives, on the northern shore of Cornwall, England. Before the long hair and the Van Dyke moustache.
The Canterbury Cathedral, shrine to St. Thomas Abecket.
A particularly lucky shot of Stonehenge.

All photographs copyright Devon Apple.

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