Devon's Gaming Page
Gaming is a peculiar
hobby. People hold many misconceptions about the phenomenon, and the people
who choose it as a source of recreation. Nevertheless, within the gaming world
there are poets, actors, entertainers and teachers, folks for whom gaming is
but one of many social outlets.
Links |
Description |
of Deirdre
Dreams of Deirdre is a LARP troupe started by friends Lori and David
Priebe, Erik Oberlin, Wendy Werges, Matt Leslie and myself. We traditionally
run games at DunDraCon and KublaCon.
We even published our own game system! Click
here for more information. |
A Bay Area gaming convention filled with indie RPGs and LARPs. Held every
October, in Oakland, CA. Proceeds go to Doctors without Borders and the
Alameda County Food Bank. |
Other Conventions
DunDraCon - San Ramon
gaming convention on Presidents' Day weekend
KublaCon - San Francisco
gaming convention on Memorial Day weekend
PacifiCon Game
Expo - South Bay gaming convention on Labor Day weekend |
Renaissance d20 |
House rules for a one-time Renaissance d20 D&D game. |
Other Gaming Sites |
Forth Apocalyptica - Apocalypse World forum
- official Dresden Files RPG forum
The Atomic Think
Tank - Mutants & Masterminds forum
Core - official web site (click
here for the SRD) |
My Gaming
My current gaming preferences span a number of indie RPGs. Fate Core, and the
Dresden Files Role-Playing Game, take up most of my table time, though I have
run games of Apocalypse World, Mythender, PDQ, Dogs in the Vineyard, and a few
others). The list of games I *want* to play or run is quite long.
My live-action gaming experience is almost entirely limited to conventions,
most of which have been put on by our own troupe, Dreams
of Deirdre.
- I was in a longtime RuneQuest 2e game, playing a Basmol Shaman (loosely
based on Nathan Explosion).
- I played in a short Aberrant campaign wherein I played Titan, a scientist
who could grow quite large.
- I played in a Mutants & Masterminds game, as a RoboCop/Transformer/Forge
hybrid in Chicago.
- I played in a few Champions games, playing an Aquarian hydrokineticist based
loosely (very loosely) on Abe Sapien of the Hellboy
- I played in a plane-hopping D&D game as a Githzerai Sentinel (a neutral
good variant of the Paladin, from Dragon
- I played a GURPS Victorian campaign as a retired Army Captain/White Mage.
- I played in a D&D 5e campaign as a dragonborne paladin of vengeance who revered Bahamut, fighting the rise of Tiamat.
- I played in a Star Wars: Edge of the Empire game as a medical droid on the run because of illegal dealings in pursuit of his dream to become a flesh-and-blood person.
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