Star Trek: The Space Opera
Although there are many episodes between "Heart of Glory," "Reunion" and "Redemption," the Klingon civil unrest present in these episodes fit together well with "At the End of the Day"
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At the end of the war, it's another day living
With no glory to win and no honor to keep
We do not like this new peace...
We would rather win glory in battle,
With a bat'leth in our hands, ready to strike
At those arrogant humans!
At the end of the war, we need these mediations
But our Empire’s in doubt, with no honor to win
Our people are not pleased...
With dependence upon human handouts;
We would rather die than live with their support--
We want our reputation!
At the end of the war there's another truce coming
And the sound of the battle is starting to wane
There is treachery at hand
Someone’s poisoning me very slowly
Picard you must take a stand
You must not let this coward succeed me
You must know what this is for
At the end of the war
At the end of the war Klingons have become timid
K'mpec should have the right of confronting his foe
There are two that are in line
And we need to know before I'm gone
If the killer is Duras or could
It be Gowron
And we need to know quickly
Have you heard that the Klingons are fighting their own?
With their bad attitude, and warmongering ways?
It's because the assassin has yet to be known,
You can see just how poorly testosterone pays…
At the turn of the page there's a civil war coming
With the Klingon empire split directly in two
Find the traitor, find his name
Keep on looking as long as you have to
Find the reason for this game
One of these rival’s stories won’t ring true
We must find that traitor
To avert civil war!
I know your dad sold us out at Khitomer
You see, Duras, I know all the facts --
Then, K'Ehleyr, it is a good day to die
[Duras kills K’Ehleyr]
Duras you're a villain,
Here comes my attack ...
[Worf kills Duras]
What is this fighting all about
Would someone tear these two apart
This is a Starship not a circus
Now come on Klingons settle down
I run a Starship of repute;
I am a Captain of renown
[To Worf]
You are a Starfleet officer,
And need more patience, this is true
I will tell you how this ensued
I must regret to say Duras brought this upon him
He killed my mate for the secrets she’d tell
That’s the price he had to pay
For his cowardice and his dishonor
I had no other choice but to send him to hell
Now my son has no mother
Yes it's true, there's a son
But it's the son of Duras
And the Empire is ready to burst into flame
There's a civil war brewing and I need you, Worf
Follow me and I will
Restore your family name
At the start of the war Gowron’s troops are in trouble
And the sisters of Duras are proving too strong
When the battle’s reached an apex
Those damned Romulans throw their support in
We must break through their defense
Or our Empire might one day be broken
Can't you see what is in store
At the start of a war!
I should have known you'd interfere
I should have known you'd butt right in
I should have guessed we'd find ourselves here
Captain Picard, you look aghast
You sent my mother to the past
A Romulan took her as mate
You see, we share some family traits
Now step aside and let me pass
Your barricade will never last
Data foiled my plan
And my ships are now gone,
He ignored all my pulses of raw tachyon
We beat the Romulans
Beat the Romulans!
Now, Klingons,
Hail Gowron!
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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.