Star Trek: The Space Opera
"DataLore" - Lore ponders his situation, much like Javert in the suicide scene
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Who was this Soong?
What sort of doctor was he,
To build my body from scratch
And just deactivate me?
I was his culminate pride,
I was his prodigal son--
The crystalline being
To my side had been won--
To kill humanoids was
To be my great pride,
Then he turned me off and Data's by his side--
To never yield to the program of Soong,
To never service the will of a man,
I am the future, and the future is pure--
I'll foil the humans whenever I can
There is nothing at all that we share...
I am Lore, and I'll win anywhere--
How can I now respect this One
That Father built akin to me?
The colonists believed me evil--
They envied my strength,
They feared my power.
Emotion was my fatal flaw,
Or so they thought...
But their own jealousy did fail...
And I survive to tell the tale...
And my soul, if I may,
Has developed a blade
Sharpened anger left growing;
Thus a villain is made...
So what to do with Data now?
Who served in Starfleet all these years?
His silly quest to be a human--
We could win it all--our strength would conquer...
Would Data be a prince of Hell? I do not know...
Or will his training hold him back?
He is my "brother" even so...
I look like him...but they know
And my plan seems to have failed
Must escape this ship somehow
For I never will be jailed.
Data will be giving chase--
I will play on his good grace.
Sons of Soong can have a place--
Please don't beam me out to spaaaaace...
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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.