Star Trek: The Space Opera

"The Most Toys": Data is kidnapped by a collector of unique items, to the tune of "Lovely Ladies."
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I smell profit,
Smell it in the air
Think I'll wrap my meat hooks
On that android over there
Lovely android,
Soon you will be mine
Not one of my friends
Could ever plan this kind of crime
Android data, what a lovely find

Data's crewmates
Saw his shuttle fly
Rigging an explosion makes them
Sure that he has died
Data's crewmates
In a sorry state
Little do they know that I'm
The one that changed his fate
Data, you'll think your new home is great.

Welcome data
I will grant you any wish
How does that sound?
             Frankly my wish is to leave
That can’t be done--
              There is no reason for this
That's where you're wrong: You are my favorite find...
I'm satisfied
              Well I am not
That can be changed
              No it can not
Well that's too bad
You are the best I've ever had

Listen Data
This is not a game
I've been treated badly
And for you he'll do the same
Go here, go there
You'll be just his slave
It is just the recognition that he really craves
He won't rest until we're in our graves

Data, my dear
I hope that you like it here
Just look around... my treasures are without peer…
It is profound
My friends will try to find me
I don't think so…just trust me, they think you've died
No one will come
             They think I'm dead
No one will come
             What can be done?
They think I'm dead
But don't be overwhelmed with dread…

Hello, Data
You'll be on display
I am so excited
That you chose my place to stay
Come on, Data
Change that uniform
Why can you not realize that you must now conform
Come on, Data
Will you please reform?
Come on Data
Come on great android
Come on Data
Come on lovely Data
Stubborn android
Come on great android
You are a stubborn android
Stubborn Data
What's an android for?

Here's a new shirt
I'm expecting a friend
Don't look like dirt
I won't tell you again
This acid will burn that uniform off
Now will you change? Or will you make me laugh?
Come on Data, come along and join us
Put these clothes on

Come on Data, don't be so vile
I hope you adapt after awhile
You should realize that you belong to him
Your chance for life is starting to grow slim

That's right, Data, don't pretend you’re grand
That's right, Data, please don't take a stand

Fajo’s just a tyrant, don’t you see?
If you help me leave this place I will take you with me
He has threatened your life many times
He should come to judgment for his hefty list of crimes
If we stand up to him, we’ll do fine
Come on Data
Don't make me shoot her
Doesn't bother me, no,
But I doubt you would prefer

(phaser blast)
Sorry, Data, you left me no choice
You had better listen, or I'll stop another voice
I could kill you
             I do not think so…
(phaser blast and teleporter sound)
What was that?
                      The readout shows a phaser fired below...
Was our Data pushed much farther
Than we’d ever know?

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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.