Star Trek: The Space Opera

"The Best of Both Worlds" - the Borg menace comes to bear, to the tune of "One Day More."
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One day more...
Another day, another open door;
To boldly go where no one has gone before;
These Borg who seem to know no bounds
Will surely come upon our grounds
One day more
I was not angry till tonight--
Until your insubordination.
Tomorrow we may lose this fight
It is not time to change your stations
One more day before the Borg
When the future shall be written
We must fight them on our own
Will our way of life be spared
Can we fight this foe alone
We're not ready for this fight
They are spreading through the night

One day more before the storm
Against the Borg who have no honor
If we die upon our feet,
We will not have died in vain
What would the Borg want with me?

Resistance is futile


You will become one of us

The fight is here! Wolf Three-Five-Nine!
One day more....
Borg Queen*
One day till assimilation
Their resistance shall be met
With undaunted persecution,
And the Borg will not relent

Listen to me, Will
Forget Captain Picard,
Now he's one of them, but it will still be hard

Here's a little tip
Let your feelings go
You will have to kill him, and I know you know...
It's not hard at all
Fighting humanoids
We won't stop until their hope has been destroyed

Catch them as they fall,
Assimilate by touch
Most of them are humans so they won't miss much...

One day to a Borg-ish order
Raise deflector shields high...
We'll assimilate them all
We will die before we fall...
We have captured their best Captain
They have captured poor Picard...
We will make him our voice
Locutus, I,
Your end is come...
One day more!
. . .
(various refrains repeated in an ordered cacophony)
. . .
Tomorrow we will find a way
To battle on another day
Tomorrow we'll discover if our mettle's strong enough
One more day,
One more fight,
One day more....

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All lyrics copyright 2000 Devon Apple and Dominick LaLicata.
Names and characters invariably copyright 2000 Paramount Pictures, or whoever currently owns the Star Trek rights.
Names and characters have been used without express permission for purposes of parody.

* - okay, so the Borg Queen wasn't in that episode; consider this a retroactive CG-editing job like they did with Star Wars.